$18,750 of Viqueque Soybeans - Building Markets

$18,750 of Viqueque Soybeans

by Building Markets
December 4, 2009

In September 2009  PDT’s Micromatchmaking (M3) Team in Viqueque District in eastern Timor-Leste were influential in assisting a local farmer make a large business transaction for much of his soybean crop.

PDT M3 staff Vasco M Ferreira and Antonio do Rosario assisted Mr. Alcino Soares in locating a buyer named Venancio Sequeira for his soybeans.  After making the connection between buyer and supplier 25 tonnes of soybeans worth $18,750 were purchased in Luka Viqueque for sale in Dili.  Mr. Sequeira is a middle man, buying from farmers and selling to wholesalers in Dili.  Mr. Sequeira is exploring the development of a customer base in Surabaya, Indonesia.

Tags : micromatchmaking soybeans viqueque

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