Announcing District Business Guides: Manufahi District - Building Markets

Announcing District Business Guides: Manufahi District

by Building Markets
September 30, 2008

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Announcing District Business Guides: Manufahi District

Dili, Timor-Leste, 01 October 2008 –

This Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) Timor-Leste District Business Guide is the first in a new series of PDT District Business Guides. The Guide is based on verification activities undertaken by PDT in Manufahi during August 2008 and features the details of thirty-nine Manufahi businesses.

Go to to access the guides.

In coming months, PDT will produce District Business Guides for all of Timor-Leste’s thirteen districts. The data included in this guide was accurate at the time of survey. Resources permitting, the data will be updated at regular intervals. In case of errors or inaccuracies, please write to [email protected] or contact PDT on +670 332 2823.

What is PDT and what does PDT do?
PDT works to connect buyers with suppliers both national and international in order to stimulate the economy and create jobs. To this end PDT opened a Tender Distribution Centre in December 2007, commenced matchmaking activities in January 2008 and launched a Timor-Leste Online Procurement Website in May 2008. PDT also offers tailored training assistance.

What has PDT achieved to date?
Since commencing activities in Timor-Leste in late 2007, PDT has achieved the following outcomes:
• Verified approximately 1,700 businesses in all thirteen districts of Timor-Leste, with reverification presently underway to ensure that the database remains current.
• Entered the details of over 1,500 businesses into the PDT Online Procurement Database located at In the first four months of operation this database attracted 4000 visitors who made a total of 25,000 page views.
• Completed 266 matchmaking requests equating to an estimated USD 2 million.
• Completed 972 micro-matchmaking requests equating to an estimated USD 1 million.
• Operated a Tender Distribution Centre which has distributed 171 tenders, thereby facilitating an estimated USD 5.3 million in local procurement.
• Opened an online tender-posting service featuring Timor-Leste Government tenders and Intent to Award notices. Within the first sixty days, 148 tenders and award notices (equivalent to USD 15 million of Government spending) were posted on this electronic archive.
• Initiated the development of a Buy Local Baucau Business Guide (featuring city map)

In coming weeks, PDT Timor-Leste will consolidate its achievements with the release of a national profile of the Timor-Leste business community based upon the business verification activities undertaken since November 2007.

About this Business Guide
Where possible, the businesses in this Guide have been ordered according to main area of business activity. However, users of this guide are urged to review the section on General Supplier and Service Providers in addition to more specific sections of the Guide when searching for goods and services in the district of Manufahi. Those users equipped with a computer will be benefit from the use of the PDF-file ‘search’ function.

About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.

For more information, please contact:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.282. Email: [email protected]

Atu anunsia imediatamente.

Anunsiu de paseiros : Matadalan ba Negosiu Distritu Nian – Manufahi

Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) Timor-Leste nia Matadalan ba Negósiu Distritu nian ne’e nu’udár ida-uluk iha série foun ida husi PDT nia Matadalan ba Negósi Distritu nian. Matadalan ne’e bazeia ba aktividade verifikasaun nian sira ne’ebé mak PDT halao ona iha Manufahi durante fulan Agostu 2008 no fó detallu sira kona-bá negósiu tolunulu resin-sia iha Manufahi.

Ba atu hetan matadalan ida ne’e.

Iha fulan hirak tuirmai, PDT sei prodúz Matadalan ba Negósiu Distritu nian ba Timor-Leste nia distritu sanulu resin-tolu hotu-hotu, no série sira ne’e sei ramata ho produsaun ba Matadalan ba Negósiu Timor-Leste nian. Dadus ne’ebé inklui iha matadalan ida-ne’e ezatu iha tempu ne’ebé halo levantamentu. Bainhira rekursu sira permite, dadus sira-ne’e sei atualizadu iha intervalu sira regulár nian. Iha kazu kona-bá erru ka inezatidaun, favór hakerek ba [email protected] ka kontaktu PDT iha +670 332 2823.

Saida mak PDT no saida mak PDT halo?
PDT serbisu atu hatutan kompradór sira ho fornesidór nasionál sira no internasionál nian atu bele estimula ekonomia no kria serbisu. Ba objetivu ida-ne’e PDT loke Sentru Distribuisaun Tender nian iha fulan Dezembru 2007, hahú aktividade sira parseria (matchmaking) nian iha fulan Janeiru 2008 no halo lansamentu ba Website Aprovizionamentu Online Timor-Leste nian iha fulan Maiu 2008. PDT mós oferese asisténsia treinamentu personalizadu.

Saida mak PDT alkansa ona to’o ohin loron?
Dezde hahú atividade sira iha Timor-Leste iha tinan 2007 nia rohan, PDT alkansa ona rezultadu sira tuirmai:
• Verifika maizumenus negósiu hamutuk 1,722 iha Timor-Leste nia distritu sanulu resin-tolu hotu-hotu, ho reverifikasaun ne’ebé daudaun ne’e halao hela atu asegura katak baze de dadus ne’e atualizadu nafatin.
• Hatama detallu sira husi negósiu 1,500 resin ba iha PDT nia Baze de Dadus ba Aprovizionamentu Online ne’ebé lokalizadu iha Iha fulan haat primeiru husi operasaun nian baze de dadus ne’e atrai vizitante hamutuk 4000 ne’ebé halo vista total ba pájina 25,000.
• Kompleta ona pedidu sira parseria (matchmaking) nian hamutuk 266 ne’ebé ekivale ho estimasaun ida iha Dollares Amerikanu millaun 2.
• Kompleta ona pedidu sira micro-parseria (micro-matchmaking) nian hamutuk 972 ne’ebé ekivale ho estimasaun ida iha Dollares Amerikanu millaun 1.
• Funsiona Sentru Distribuisaun Tender nian ne’ebé distribui ona tender hamutuk 171, hodi nune’e fasilita ona kálkulu ida husi Dollares Amerikanu millaun 5.3 iha aprovizionamentu lokál nian.
• Loke ona servisu kolokasaun-tender online nian ne’ebé aprezenta Governu Timor-Leste nia tender sira no mós notifikasaun sira kona-bá Intensaun atu Oferese. Durante loron neen nulu ida-uluk nian, tender no mós notifikasaun oferese nian hamutuk 148 (ekivalente ho Dollares Amerikanu millaun 15 husi despeza Governu nian) mak afiksa ona iha arkivu elektrónika ida-ne’e.
• Inisia ona dezenvolvimentu ba Matadalan ida husi Sosa ih Rai Laran ba Negósiu Baucau nian (aprezenta mapa sidade nian)
PDT Timor-Leste nia Matadalan ba Negósiu Distritu nian Manufahi Setembru 2008 ii
Iha semana sira tuimai, PDT Timor-Leste sei konsolida ninia alkanse sira hotu hodi fó sai préfil nasionál ida husi komunidade negósiu Timor-Leste nian bazeia ba atividade sira verifikasaun negósiu nian ne’ebé mak halao ona dezde fulan Novembru 2007.

Kona-bá Matadalan ida-ne’e
Bainhira posível, negósiu sira iha Matadalan ida-ne’e nia laran tau ona tuir orden bazeia ba área principal husi atividade negósiu nian. Maibé, akonsella ba utente sira husi matadalan ida-ne’e nian atu revee seksaun kona-bá Distribuidór Jerál & Fornesidór Servisu nian sira iha adisaun ba seksaun sira ne’ebé espesífiku liu husi Matadalan ne’e bainhira buka sasan no servisu sira iha distritu Manufahi. Utente sira ne’ebé ekipadu ho komputadór ida sei hetan benefísiu husi uzu husi funsaun ‘peskiza’ fixáriu-PDF nian.

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