Peace Dividend Trust is excited to announce the new Facebook fanpage – Peace Dividend Marketplace Timor-Leste!
The Peace Dividend Marketplace Timor-Leste (PDM-TL) is one of Peace Dividend Trust‘s economic recovery projects. It was launched in Dili in August 2007 with support from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). The project also receives funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eni and the Arsenault Family Foundation. In addition to its headquarters in Dili, PDM-TL has field offices in Baucau, Cova Lima and Viqueque. It works in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism Commerce and Industry.
Contact us: [email protected]
Mission: Help inspire long-term economic growth and stability in Timor-Leste by supporting and encouraging local procurement and investment in the Timorese marketplace.
The PDM-TL project provides the following services:
1. A Business portal which offers instant reliable access to over 2,000 local suppliers as well as other useful information about PDM services: via at
2. Business Matchmaking creates linkages between local suppliers and international buyers.
3. Tender Distribution Services collect, translate and disseminate tenders to local suppliers via SMS, email and at our PDM-TL office.
4. Market Information and Advocacy identifies emerging business opportunities and publishes relevant information on the local marketplace via reports and blogs (please see our websites above). Advocacy may include campaigns and other efforts to raise awareness of the important role local procurement can play in bringing long-term peace and stability to Timor-Leste.
This fanpage will replace all other Facebook sites related to the Timor Marketplace project.
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