No this is not an April Fool’s Day joke.
Earlier today (early early in April Fool’s Day) I sent the below press release to media in Timor-Leste and elsewhere.
**For Immediate Release** ENGLISH
Peace Dividend Trust Records Significant Achievements and Approaches the Possible End of Operations in Timor-Leste
DILI, TIMOR-LESTE, April 1, 2011 – Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) today announced that its marketplace project, following significant achievements, is preparing for a possible scale down in Timor-Leste. Operating since 2007, the project has supported over 3,000 businesses, created hundreds of jobs and redirected over $20 million back into Timor-Leste’s economy. PDT is currently in talks with potential donors to continue its services to local entrepreneurs and businesses. If the required funding is not secured, PDT will cease providing most of its services on April 30 and finalize a transfer of the supplier directory to the Ministry of Tourism Commerce and Industry shortly thereafter. The organization will then leave Timor-Leste on June 30.
The marketplace project with its Buy Local Build Timor-Leste slogan supports economic recovery and private sector development by linking national and international buyers with local suppliers of goods and services. It does this through several services that improve the flow of market information and strengthen the capacity of entrepreneurs to access business opportunities and compete successfully for contracts. “The project’s services have filled an important niche in Timor-Leste where before 2007 international buyers didn’t know how to engage the local economy and local suppliers didn’t know how to avail themselves of these critical business opportunities,” says Edward Rees, PDT’s Country Director in Timor-Leste.
Through PDT’s services the gap between buyers and suppliers has been narrowed. With support from PDT, rural enterprises are now accessing repeat business from buyers in Dili, Indonesia and further afield. Numerous local entrepreneurs are reinvesting in their businesses after implementing international contracts, and business owners are expanding and hiring more workers. “Timor-Leste’s private sector has made important strides in recent years,” says Rees. “But, there remain many untapped opportunities for Timorese entrepreneurs.”
Peace Dividend Marketplace has been supported by AusAid, AFF, Canada Fund For Local Initiatives, Eni, Norway MFA
About Peace Dividend Trust
Peace Dividend Trust is a non-profit social enterprise that tests and scales new ideas that improve the impact and efficiency of aid and peacekeeping.
Operating in Timor-Leste, Haiti and Afghanistan, with plans to expand into Liberia thanks to Humanity United’s challenge grant, PDT has redirected over $675 million in international spending into these local economies and created the first ever mission start-up guide for the launch of new U.N. peacekeeping operations. In 2010, the Skoll Foundation recognized PDT as one of a handful of social enterprises affecting measurable and sustainable change in the developing world. U.S. President Obama awarded the organization the G20 SME Finance Challenge prize at the annual heads of state gathering in Seoul, Korea in November 2010. For more information, please visit
And here is the Tetun version:
**Atu Fó Sai Lailais Kedas** TETUN
Peace Dividend Trust Rejista ona Susesu sira ne’ebé Signifikativu no Hakat ba Posibilidade atu Hakotu ninia Operasaun sira iha Timor-Leste
DILI, TIMOR-LESTE, 1 Abril 2011 – Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) ohin loron anunsia katak ninia projetu merkadu nian, depoizde hetan tiha susesu sira ne’ebé signifikativu, prepara hela daudaun ba posibilidade atu hamenus iha ninia operasaun iha Timor-Leste. Hahú ninia funsionamentu iha tinan 2007, projetu ne’e suporta ona negósiu hamutuk 3,000 resin, kria ona serbisu atus ba atus no diriji hikas ona osan millaun $20 resin ba iha Timor-Leste nia ekonomia. PDT iha daudaun ne’e halo hela negosiasaun ho doadór potensiál sira hodi bele kontinua ninia servisu sira ba emprezáriu no negósiu lokál sira. Se bainhira la konsege hetan finansiamentu ne’ebé nesesáriu, PDT sei para atu fornese maioria husi ninia servisu sira iha loron 30 Abríl no sei finaliza transferénsia ida ba lista fornesidór nian ba iha Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria lailais deit depoizde ne’e. Organizasaun ne’e sei husik hela Timor-Leste iha loron 30 Juñu.
Projetu merkadu nian ho ninia slogan Sosa iha Rai-Laran Harii Timor-Leste ne’e suporta rekuperasaun ekonómiku no mós dezenvolvimentu sektór privadu nian hodi liga sosa-na’in nasionál no internasionál sira ho fornesidór lokál sira ba sasán no servisu nian. Nia halo ida-ne’e liuhosi servisu balun ne’ebé hadi’ak sasulik ba informasaun merkadu nian no mós hametin emprezáriu sira nia kapasidade atu hetan asesu ba oportunidade sira negósiu nian no mós kompete ho susesu ba kontratu sira. “Projetu ne’e nia servisu sira prenxe ona fatin importante ida iha Timor-Leste iha ne’ebé mak molok tinan 2007 nian sosa-na’in internasionál sira lahatene oinsá mak atu benefisia sira nia an ho oportunidade sira ne’ebé krítiku ba negósiu nian,” dehan Edward Rees, PDT nia Diretór Rejionál iha Timor-Leste.
Liuhosi PDT nia servisu sira konsege hakloot ona diferensa entre sosa-na’in no fornesidór sira. Ho apoiu husi PDT, empreza lokál sira agora bele iha ona asesu ba negósiu ne’ebé fila-fila ho sosa-na’in sira iha Dili, Indonézia no dook liután. Emprezáriu lokál barak mak investe hikas fali ba iha sira nia negósiu sira depoizde implementa tiha kontratu internasionál sira, no negósiu-na’in sira habelar no kontrata traballadór barak tán. “Timor-Leste nia sektór privadu halo ona pasu naruk sira ne’ebé importante iha tinan sira foin daudauk ne’e,” dehan Rees. “Maibé, sei iha nafatin oportunidade sira ne’ebé inesploradu ba emprezáriu Timoroan sira.”
Peace Dividend Marketplace hetan apoiu husi AusAid, AFF, Canada Fund For Local Initiatives, Eni, Norway MFA
Kona-bá Peace Dividend Trust
Peace Dividend Trust nu’udár empreza sosiál ida lukru-laek nian ne’ebé mak ezamina no tetu ideia foun sira ne’ebé hadi’ak impaktu no efisiénsia husi ajudu no manutensaun ba pás nian.
Halo funsionamentu iha Timor-Leste, Haiti no Afeganistaun, ho planu sira atu habelar tán ba iha Libéria hodi agradese ba Humanity United nia subsídiu dezafiu nian, PDT diriji hikas tiha ona osan millaun $675 resin iha despeja internasionál nian ba iha ekonomia lokál hirak-ne’e nia laran no kria ona misaun ba dalauluk nian ne’ebé mak hahú gia lanxamentu ba Naseons Unidas nia operasaun foun sira ba manutensaun pás nian. Iha tinan 2010, the Skoll Foundation fó rekoñesimentu ba PDT nu’udár empreza sosiál ida husi hirak balun ne’ebé mak afeita mudansa ne’ebé mensurável no sustentável iha mundu sira subdezenvolvidu nian. Prezidente Estadus Unidus nian, Obama, haraik prémiu G20 SME Finance Challenge nian ba organizasaun ne’e iha reuniaun anuál ba xefe estadu sira iha Seoul, Korea iha fulan Novembru 2010. Atu hetan informasaun liután, halo favór vizita
Tags : advocacy Agribusiness ainaro Atauro baucau covalima Dili lautem maliana manatuto manufahi matchmaking micromatchmaking Tender Distribution Point Timor-Leste Verification