Over 50 events to be held around Myanmar at Global Entrepreneurship Week 2017 - Building Markets

Over 50 events to be held around Myanmar at Global Entrepreneurship Week 2017

by Building Markets
نوفمبر 10, 2017

Myanmar will join 170 countries worldwide in hosting Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), the largest celebration of entrepreneurship in the world. GEW 2017 will reach all 14 divisions and states in Myanmar, with over 50 events in 20 cities during the week of November 13-19, 2017.

This year’s celebration marks the 10th annual GEW globally and the 5th for Myanmar. Each year, GEW in Myanmar is expanding and reaching more entrepreneurs across the country. In 2016, GEW expanded to 6 new regions – Sagain, Kayah, Chin, Kachin, Magway and Taninhtaryi. This year, GEW returns to each of those regions – with an even bigger lineup of events.

GEW 2017 Press Conference
GEW 2017 Press Conference
GEW 2017 Press Conference
GEW 2017 Press Conference


All of this year’s events are free to attend and open to the public (Although some events require prior registration, which you can check on the GEW 2017 Website or Facebook page). Events will highlight companies at every stage of business, across a wide range of sectors, and are designed to be engaging and entertaining with a focus on participation and “learning by doing”.

In Yangon, the GEW 2017 Launch Celebration will feature notable Myanmar entrepreneurs, including Mike Than Tun Win (BOD Tech), Aung Chit Khin (Founder of Strategy First Institute) and Lynn Lynn Tin Tun (Founder of Mango Media). Many events will highlight innovative technology, including workshops on how to build robots, virtual reality experiences, and digital games. Other events will focus on youth entrepreneurship, women in tech, and social enterprises.

GEW 2017 Press Conference
GEW 2017 Press Conference

Across Myanmar, local business leaders will teach fundamental business skills and community organizations will be showing entrepreneurs how to start businesses that harness the unique advantages of each region. GEW 2017 will also showcase Myanmar companies internationally and connect them to the global market. Myanmar’s entrepreneurship community was recognized in March 2017 in Johannesburg, South Africa, where the Global Entrepreneurship Network in Myanmar was awarded country chapter of the year for 2016-2017.

If you’re at GEW Myanmar this year, we’d love to hear about it. Tag us on social media using the hashtag #GEWMM and #GEWMyanmar.


Global Entrepreneurship Week in Myanmar is hosted by Building Markets and is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this blog are the responsibility of Building Markets and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Information on all events held in Myanmar can be found on the GEW 2017 website: http://www.gewmyanmar.com.

Myanmar GEW logo

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