Can you read Tetun? You must try…
The world is full of bloggers and most of us are pretty boring. But there are very few Timorese bloggers, especially on things other than politics. But we now have 3 more bloggers on things such as border trade, the cattle business, supply bases, job creation, women in business, foreign investment. How things are a changin’.
Brigida Soares: PDT Matchmaking Associate
Ilidio Ximenes da Costa: PDT Vice Direktor
Eduardo da Costa: PDT Tender Distribution Associate
Cannot read Tetun? Get one of these, its easy. You just need to get serious.
Tags : advocacy Agribusiness bobonaro business verification Confidence covalima Dili district business guides Ermera matchmaking micromatchmaking PDT Report Timor-Leste UNDP Verification