Well we fired up something pretty cool over the past months. Blast/bulk SMS/EMAIL Tender Alerts in a manner far far more powerful than ever before.
Before we did it off a Nokia / software interface which was slow and clunky. Now we have gone custom made back end with a Clickatell postman route. Did you know that 4 billion people worldwide use SMS?
I asked Timor Telcom to help out in 2008 and in 2009 but they never responded to my emails or letters. A shame really.
Why the above painful to look at spread sheet? Well it tells you that we sent 8,178 SMS/Email Tender Alerts between 4 November and 14 December 2010. Yes 8,178, and all for the shockingly amusing price of 1.6 cents per SMS.
Well I never really believe in any of this until I actually have evidence I can touch. So I had the Tender Team (Eduardo and Maria Teresa) hook me up to the system. Well what I discovered was that we had a few glitches, but within a few days we knocked it all into shape.
I am now receiving the same SMS/Email alerts that 3,000 plus businesses from Oecusse to Jaco, Tasi Mane to’o Tasi Feto are getting. Its quite something.
Imagine this
Well you would likely wonder what the hell is going on, you call the number in the SMS and you are all of a sudden switched onto to business opportunities, come to Dili, bid on a contract, and win. And its done and dusted, the Marketplace project is driving money into the economy of rural Timor-Leste and creating jobs.
Funnily enough, this is a true story from just a number of weeks back – want the details? Just drop us a line. And to think, if it were not for a single SMS worth 1.6 cents the business in question would likely have never heard of the tender.
In the meantime here are a couple of snaps of what these alerts actually look like.
Just this afternoon we pushed the system a bit with a simple construction job, ADB public works tender. It went to 1,000 + plus businesses with the push of a button. Don’t believe me? Check out the evidence below.
Tags : SMS Tender Distribution Point