In partnership with Handicap International, the USAID Sustainable Marketplace Initiative Liberia (SMI-L) held a three-day Sensitization Forum on Making Information Accessible to All Including Persons with Disabilities. The event received a lot of local press coverage. Click here to read our pre-event blog post for more information on the event.
The News newspaper covered the event on the first day with their article “Government Urged to Make Information Accessible.”
The Informer also covered the event, focusing on the presentation that the President of the National Union of Organizations of the Disabled Fallah Boimah gave about inaccessible buildings and a lack of information posted in formats that persons with disabilities can read, such as braille. For the full article, click on the link here: Informer Story.
Both The News and The Informer published second stories after the event was over, focusing on the media and public’s role in promoting the accessibility of information and treating persons with disabilities fairly. For those stories, click on the following link: Informer & News 2nd Articles. The Informer article was re-posted on All Africa.
Building Markets is set to continue its partnership with Handicap International through the release of recommendations for how the media can better cover disability issues, the possibility of another event involving more stakeholders, and the possibility of SMI-L training NGOs that were in attendance.
Tags : All Africa disabilities handicap Handicap International The Informer The News