Building Markets is going green.
Though Building Markets environmental impact is very small, certain businesses we help grow can have tremendous impact on Liberia’s environment. While development often comes with an environmental price tag, this doesn’t have to be the case for Liberia. Yet environmental issues aren’t usually on the radar of local SMEs. Building Markets is trying to bring awareness to the business community about environmental issues with an “Go Green” awareness, training and matchmaking event.
The event takes place next week and is in partnership with Monrovia City Corporation, which is responsible for keeping Monrovia “clean and green,” and Liberia’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), whose guidelines steer businesses in the right direction when it comes to their environmental impact.
The event will feature presentations and training sessions led by a variety of organizations and companies, which will teach businesses about the way those entities approach environmental issues.
The event will also mark the official launch of Building Markets’ USAID Sustainable Marketplace Initiative Liberia’s (SMI-L) Environmental Awareness training modules. What are EPA’s rules that are relevant to businesses? How can a business reduce its environmental impact? Why should a business want to? These questions are all answered in the first environmental training module, which is included in SMI-L’s general procurement training.
With the help of the EPA and Winrock International, SMI-L developed a second Environmental module for businesses in sectors that have a medium or high impact on the environment. These sectors include agriculture, automotive, construction, heavy machinery and equipment, manufacturing, oil and gas, business consulting services, food and beverages, dry cleaning, and waste management. This module goes into more depth and helps businesses find specific ways they can cut down on their negative environmental impact.
Running a business that is environmentally sound is important to businesses that want to expand and turn a profit. Many international companies and organizations operating in Liberia have environmental standards that they, and the businesses they work with, must meet. When Liberian business owners know and adhere to these standards, they become more attractive to do business with. Helping Liberian businesses find new opportunities – whether green or otherwise – is what Building Markets does best.
In addition to training, the Go Green Event features time for networking. Organizations and companies that are looking for businesses in the high impact sectors mentioned above will be present to meet new businesses to work with. These buyers adhere to international and internal environmental standards so it’s important for SMEs to have face-time with such companies to better understand their needs.
Building Markets is looking forward to a high-energy and interactive event where local SMEs can go green, find new business opportunities, and keep Mama Liberia clean.
If you are a business operating in one of the sectors mentioned above and you would like to attend, please contact [email protected] or call 0777 946 940.
Tags : Environmental Awareness event Go Green Liberia EPA matchmaking Monrovia City Corporation training Winrock International