On August 4, 2010 Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) the local government and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) for the Bobonaro district conducted a one day workshop for potential buyers of local goods. The aim of the event was to share information about goods and services and research if there is a demand for agricultural products from buyers within or outside Timor-Leste. 22 entrepreneurs consisting of three women and 19 men was attending the event. Hosts and coordinators were PDT District Representative Domingas do Santos and Mr. Domingos Martins, the Bobonaro district administrator and Mr. Norberto Jose, Bobonaro CCI president and manger of agriculture, transportation and taxation. PDT and CCI found that local authorities and entrepreneurs are very interested in the programs and services provided by PDT such as matchmaking and the Business portal since buyers do not necessarily know where to access information about suppliers and suppliers have a hard time to connect directly with buyers.
For more information about the Peace Dividend Marketplace Timor-Leste please visit our website. For all full list of verified business in Timor-Leste please click here.