Jobs, numbers, and fans/critics. - Building Markets

Jobs, numbers, and fans/critics.

by Building Markets
March 11, 2011

Some time ago we started posting job vacancies again.

Got alot of emails, SMS and blog comments thanking us for starting it up. Thanks should go to Maria Freitas who posts them every day, every day. It costs:

  1. an internet connection,
  2. a computer,
  3. a printer/scanner,
  4. Maria’s salary and benefits, and
  5. some paper.

Pretty good value really.


Buka Serbisu

What strikes me as odd is why the copy cat competition does not get as many postsings up as we do – its after all a relatively easy task.  Competition is good though, and there is more here.  I wonder what the traffic is like on those sites, we took a major jump in traffic – look at the below August 2010 to March 2011 figures.  The massive jump is all thanks to Maria Freitas.


Big numbers for Buka Serbisu
Advertising Vacancy Announcements on Timor-Leste’s Business Portal.


  1. Send your vacancy to [email protected] with a cc: to [email protected] (should come in plain text or a .doc file)
  2. We then post it online at
  3. Currently we provide this service free to all clients, however after the first posting international and for profit organizations will be charged $20.00/posting.
  4. For those that we charge a fee, if you request feedback on how many visits the jobs posting received via Google analytics we can provide this.
  5. For those that pay the fee we will also post to the PDM TL fanpage with 3,300 followers, ( and also via twitter here:

The fanpage has got a whole pile of jobseekers on its list.


Nearly, 3,500 fans.

The demographics on the fans are also quite interesting:


Fan Demographics.

Tags : Jobs Directory

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