PDT’s success stories are finding their way into the local press. In its April 4, 2012 edition, Haiti’s leading newspaper, Le Nouvelliste, features an extensive article on Sonac-Agricole, a Haitian sea cucumber export company that has won contracts worldwide a s a result of registering on the Peace Dividend Marketplace – Haiti online directory.
“Thanks to the PDT site, the Chinese importer we work with understood that we are a serious and credible company,” Ernst Charles, co-owner of Sonac-Agricole, told Le Nouvelliste. To access the article click here: http://lenouvelliste.com/article.php?PubID=1&ArticleID=103922&PubDate=2012-04-03
Peace Dividend Trust, which recently changed its name to Building Markets, cited the sea cucumber company in a series on Haitian success stories earlier this year. The new Building Markets website also features a video about Sonac-Agricole. To see it click here.
The newspaper article is one in a series in Le Nouvelliste’s “Entreprise & Entrepreneurs” campaign that will run throughout the year. Peace Dividend Trust is cosponsoring the campaign along with such Haitian companies as Digicel and Bongu.
Tags : entrepreneurship Haiti NGOs Shelters PDM-H