Well many people have often bemoaned the fact that Timor-Leste cannot not manufacture anything. Pessimism never got anyone anywhere – and the Timorese and their business partners are proving some of us all wrong. I was driving up the road in Becora today and I was reminded of some things I saw over the weekend on a tour of some of the western districts.
What did I see in Becora? A power pole manufacturer….
What did I see in Balibo and Maliana over the weekend? Power poles of a similar design to the ones being made as above. Now while they may not be building space shuttles in Timor-Leste yet, things are certainly moving ahead faster than a decade ago. Or even a couple of years ago.
Now in case I have got my facts all wrong, and these power poles were in fact not made in Timor-Leste – have a look at what popped up just past Tibar last year.
Then lo and behold what does one see all along the road from Atabae to Batugade? The very same power poles. Hundreds of them. They are going up all over the country. Not for me to say if they are made well, sold at a fair price, or installed properly – but its a hell of a step forward.
Tags : manufacturing