Meet Catherine Johnson: Senior Matchmaking Associate - Building Markets

Meet Catherine Johnson: Senior Matchmaking Associate

by Building Markets
October 17, 2012

One thing we’re keen to do on Building Markets’ country blogs is help you get to know the people behind each project’s success. We like to talk about success, but we also want to showcase the people who are directly responsible for it. Periodically we will introduce you to a member of the team in Liberia through this blog. Read on for the latest profile below.

Catherine Johnson says she doesn’t know much about the strengths of Liberia’s marketplace. But she does know that the matchmaking possibilities provided by Building Markets are opportunities for local businesses to grow. Loans from banks and financial institutions will also play an important role, she says.

Catherine is very familiar with banks and money lending. She has worked in a number of banking institutions across the country. Later she worked as a Finance and Administration officer at Oxfam for four and half years and for eight years at the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs. For Building Markets, she is taking on a slightly different role, that of Senior Matchmaking Associate.

Catherine says she wants to contribute to the economic growth of Liberia. We’re glad we were able to recruit her to our team before she got snatched up by Liberia’s tourism bureau for her compelling descriptions of the environmental beauty of the country. She explains that there is green everywhere, and that anyone visiting Liberia absolutely must see the waterfall in Bong County.

Tags : matchmaking

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