One thing we’re keen to do on Building Markets’ country blogs is help you get to know the people behind each project’s success. We like to talk about success, but we also want to showcase the people who are directly responsible for it. With our newest project in Liberia ramping up, we’re taking the opportunity to do that right from the start. Every Monday and Thursday we will introduce you to a member of the team in Liberia through this blog. Read on for one profile below.
With a title like Business Development Manager, it’s no wonder that Megan Wall says she’s “passionate about economic development as a means to fight poverty.” Megan is looking forward to working with Building Markets. “It appeals to me that Building Markets is run more like a business than an NGO, emphasizes results and has an innovative approach to development.”
Megan has a BS in Business Management from the College of New Jersey and a Masters in International Non-Profit Management from New York University. She also has experience working in Africa, first as a Small Enterprise Development Peace Corps volunteer in Benin and then working for Church World Service and a USAID-funded program in Liberia. As the Business Development Manager she oversees all the Building Markets’ departments to provide services to both buyers and suppliers, such as matchmaking.
Megan insists that if you are visiting Liberia, you must get out of Monrovia and visit some remote villages. “The contrast of life in Monrovia to life in the counties is unique,” she says. “It will give you the full Liberian experience.” Megan also recommends eating grilled plantains and fresh fish.
Megan is hopeful about the ability of businesses in Liberia to provide goods and services to the multinational companies coming into the country. “Local businesses can tap into that market to provide goods and services they need – everything from construction to catering.”
Tags : matchmaking