New assistance for local businesses available from Peace Dividend Trust
Dili, Timor-Leste, 8 January 2008 — Today is the formal opening of the Timor-Leste’s Tender Distribution Point (TDP), a facility managed by Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste. The TDP will provide a central location for local businesses to access information about available business opportunities with the international organizations in Timor-Leste. It will also offer the international organizations an opportunity to gain access to more local suppliers.
“The idea behind Peace Dividend Trust and its Tender Distribution Point is a good and practical one. Building the private sector is an important objective of the government, especially expansion of local business training, and we hope the international community will increase their local procurement by using services such as this,” remarks His Excellency Gil Alves, Minister for Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
“AusAID is committed to ongoing economic development in Timor-Leste. The Peace Dividend Marketplace will promote the country’s private sector and assist in development of the economy’s capacity for global competition. Australia is pleased to be the largest donor for this project in supporting their work here,” says Ms. Robin Scott-Charlton, Counsellor, Development Cooperation, Australian Agency for International Development.
PDT works with procurement departments of all types of organizations including the UN, donors, embassies, international investors, defense forces, NGOs and government. We would like to thank our initial launch partners who have agreed to distribute purchase information through the Tender Distribution Point. These partners include: Asia Foundation, Australian Embassy, Care International Timor-Leste, Concern, CRS, IOM, NRC, Oxfam, Plan International, UNDP, UNICEF, and USAID/DAI.
“UNDP is proud to support local businesses in Timor-Leste and looks forward to working with Peace Dividend Trust to further the international community’s efforts toward peace building through ongoing development of the local economy. We view this as a critical component of ensuring stability and security,” states Nick Beresford, Deputy Country Director (Operations), United Nations Development Programme.
Every company operating in Timor-Leste is invited to visit our offices to discuss how we can help them access more international business opportunities. Additional resources available include procurement manuals, information about the private sector, sample company profiles and vendor registration forms.
“I am very interested in Peace Dividend Trust’s services. They have provided our business with information about opportunities which we did not know about,” reports Jorge do Carmo of Waimori Carpentry, a local business owner who employs 60 Timorese staff.
About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Melissa Wingard-Phillips, Project Manager
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.731.9399 Email: [email protected]
Azudu foun ba emprezariu lokal sira husi Klibur Domin/Fuan
(Peace Dividend Trust)
Dili, Timor Leste, 9 janeiro 2008 – Ohin loron mak abertura formal Sentru Distribuisaun Tender, nebe Klibur Domin/Fuan (Peace Dividend Trust) mak maneza nia fasilidade iha Timor Leste. TDP sei prepara fatin hanesan sentru ruma ba emprezariu lokal atu hetan acessu ba informasaun kona ba oportunidade negosiu husi organizasaun internasional sira iha Timor Leste. TDP mos sei aprezenta informasaun ba organizasaun internasional sira kona ba oportunidade hodi hetan acessu ba fornesedor servisu lokal barak liu tan.
“Idea implika husi Peace Dividend Trust no ninia Sentru Distribuisaun Tender mak prátika no diak. Dezemvolve seitor privadu mak hanesan objetivu importante ida husi governo, espesialmente aumenta treinamentu ba emprezáriu lokal sira no ita hein katak komunidade internasional sei hasa’e sira nia prokuramento lokal liu husi uza servisu hanesan servisu ida ne’e,” dehan Sua Excelencia Gil Alves, Ministro de Indústria, Commercio e Turismo.
“AusAID iha komitmentu atu continua dezemvolve ekonomia iha Timor-Leste. (Peace Dividend Trust Marketplace) sei promove seitor privadu rai laran no ajuda iha dezemvolvimentu kapasidade ekonomia hodi tama iha kompetisaun global. Australia haksolok sai nudar doadores nebe ajuda barak liu iha projectu ne’e, hodi suporta sira nia servisu iha ne’e,” dehan Ms. Robin Scott-Charlton, Konselheiru, Dezemvolivemtu Kooperasaun, Agencia Australia ba Dezemvolvimentu Internasional.
PDT servisu ho departementu prokuramen hot-hotu, husi organizasaun oi-oin, inklui ONU, doadores, embaxada sira, investor internasional, forsa defeza, ONG no governo. Ami hakarak atu agradese ba parseiru lansamentu inisial sira, nebe konkorda tiha ona atu distribui infomasaun kona ba akizisaun, liu husi Sentru Distribuisaun Tender. Parseiru hirak ne’e, inklui: Asia Foundation, Australian Embassy, Care International Timor-Leste, Concern, CRS, IOM, NRC, Oxfam, Plan International, UNDP, UNICEF, no USAID/DAI.
“UNDP orgulho atu suporta emprezariu lokal iha Timor Leste no buka ba oin atu servisu hamutuk ho Klibur Domin-Fuan (Peace Dividend Trust) hodi hasa’e liu tan esforsu komunidade internasional atu dezemvolve paz husi sira nia kontinuasaun ba dezemvolvimentu ekonomia lokal. Ami haree ne’e nudar komponente krítiku ida atu garante estabilidade no seguransa,” dehan Nick Beresford, Deputi Country Director (Operasional), Programa Nações Unidas ba Dezemvolvimentu (PNUD)
Kompanyia ida idak nebe servisu iha Timor Leste sei hetan konvite atu visita ami nia eskritóriu hodi diskuti oinsa ami bele ajuda sira hetan acessu liu tan ba oportunidade negociu internasional. Rekursu adisional nebe iha mak inklui manual kona ba prokuramen, informasaun kona ba seitor privadu, profil kompanyia no formulariu rezistrasaun ba vendedores sira.
“Hau interesadu tebes ho servisu Klibur Domin-Fuan (Peace Dividend Trust) nian. Sira prepara tiha ona informasaun nebe ami la hatene ba ami nia negosiu,” deklara Jorge do Carmo husi Kompanyia Karpintaria Waimori, emprezariu lokal ida nebe fo emprega ba servisu na’in Timor oan hamutuk 60.
Kona ba Peace Dividend Trust iha Timor Leste
Peace Dividend Trust mak ONG internasional ida, nia quartel mak iha Ottawa, Canada. Projeitu iha Timor Leste hetan fundu husi AusAID. PDT mak nudar entidade ida nebe la’os atu buka benefisiu. Ninia servisu tomak hala’o ba komunidade ho gratuitu.
Ba informasaun liu tan, favor kontaktu:
Melissa Wingard-Phillips, Manajer Projeitu
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.731.9399 Email: [email protected]
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