Numbers do not Lie: is taking off. - Building Markets

Numbers do not Lie: is taking off.

by Building Markets
August 28, 2010

Timor-Leste Procurement Database 2008-2010

Well its been sometime since I was trying to get some of my colleagues to take web statistics seriously. However, it ended up being easy once I showed them the “numbers” as its hard to get around the quants.

Google Analytics is a wonderful tool in some ways and the numbers that it generates certainly tell a story about how the Peace Dividend Marketplace Timor-Leste (PDM-TL) project is doing – up to a point.  But within its limits the story is beaming full of sunshine, with one small rain cloud.

Since we launched the Timor-Leste Procurement Database on 20 May 2008 we have been tracking traffic, and then we modified the site with alot more functionality and launched the beta version of the Timor-Leste Business Portal in early June 2010. Its literally taking off.

Beta Version of the Timor-Leste Business Portal 2010

Since May 2008 we have had 24,727 visits to the sites, and over 131,963 pages (business profiles) have been viewed, although one needs to recognise many visitors and profile views are duplicates.  Pretty interesting and impressive no?

When viewing the below graph charting out visitor traffic between May 2008 and August 2010 you will notice that we had alot of interest in early days – it dropped off to a steady but more limited set of numbers but in the last 90 days has “gone off”.

Total Stats 20 May 2008 to 27 August 2010

So what happened in the last 90 days?

Well we launched the new beta version of the Timor-Leste Business Portal.  It has got alot of more information on it, its bi-lingual too. We did this in consultation with our national partner the Ministry of Tourism Commerce and Industry MTCI so as to  1) attract more users from inside Timor-Leste and 2) promote trade, especially with Indonesia. We also had a grant from the Arsenault Family Foundation to promote and market the site’s services. We have got alot of unhappy press recently from both local media and as far afield as the Economist no less. To quote Oscar Wilde, “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” It will all work out ok in the end though.

What are the numbers?

When comparing the 1 May 2010 – 27 August 2010 period to the previous 4 months wow…

  1. Website visitors are up 103%.
  2. Pageviews are up 167%.
  3. Pages / Visit are up 31%.
Comparative Statistics May - August 2010 versus the previous 4 months.

Another cool thing about Google Analytics is the ability to see who is visiting the site, not just raw numbers on how many are. For example in the same time period viewers from lead countries are lifting off as all.

  1. Timor-Leste has 1,980 viewers, an increase of 173%.
  2. Indonesia has 1,114 viewers, an increase of 69%.
  3. Australia has 649 viewers, an increase of 66%.
  4. Hong Kong has 512 viewers, an increase of 48%.
  5. United States has 453 viewers, an increase of 39%.
  6. the remaining 5 of the top 10 are Singapore, Portugal, Malaysia, the United Kingdom and China which have had increases in visitors ranging from 84% to 389%.

Of particular interest to me is the fact that viewers from regional economic hubs have boomed.   Surabaya has increased by over 612% and Singapore by 215%.  However, Darwin is really lagging, with a mere handful of viewers – just 7 in the last 4 months. Crikey – we need to do alot more work on that front.

Tags : Google Analytics

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