Well popularity is hardly a full proof way to evaluate a project’s value. But its heartening to see that the the Peace Dividend Marketplace Timor-Leste (PDM-TL) Facebook fanpage has just gone over 2,000 fans in the last few days.
Certainly, this is partially due to the fact that Timor-Leste, as in the case of Indonesia, has well and truly been bitten by the Facebook bug in the last year or so. Indonesia is the third largest user of facebook in the world, with over 23 million online so far. Additionally, Indonesia has the fast growing cadre of users of any country! No doubt we have alot of Timorese students in Indonesia following our project’s progress. This is good news, especially for businesses such as Raflima in Cova Lima who are always on the look out for Indonesian buyers.
Given all this it seems reasonable to assume, that the pending PDM-TL business portal upgrade (featuring a bi-lingual Indonesian/English version) to promote trade with Indonesia, could cause the news about the Timorese private sector to go a little viral….
Tags : facebook