PDT and UNDP Construction Industry Training Session – How did we go??? - Building Markets

PDT and UNDP Construction Industry Training Session – How did we go???

by Heidi Reid
August 20, 2010

As mentioned on our blog spot yesterday, Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste (PDT) and the United Nations Development Program Timor-Leste (UNDP) ran a joint training session with PDT registered businesses involved in the construction industry which have shown an interest in tendering for UNDP contracts.  The day was a success and was a hugely positive step forward for the involvement of Timorese businesses in the rebuilding their own country.

Attendees at the training session yesterday.

In total, 13 people representing 8 businesses attended the session to gain an insight into the UNDP procurement process. Mr. Nick Beresford, Deputy Head of UNDP Operations in Timor-Leste, opened the session with a speech on the importance of Timorese businesses being trained to the level that will allow them to compete for UNDP contracts.

Deputy Head UNDP Operations Timor-Leste, Mr Nick Beresford.

Mr. Antonio Sarmento and Mr. Nuno Freitas, both of UNDP Procurements Department, then facilitated the session, providing information on UNDP procurement procedures, focusing on the documentation required for submission, budgeting and proposal writing.

Mr. Nuno Freitas and Mr. Antonio Sarmento from UNDP Procurement Department

Mrs. Ana Paula Belo of N2L Company from Baucau stated that “this training is good and helpful; it could continue in the future with more focus on technical issues.” Mr. Costodio Jose Lopes, Director of Sara Nero Unipessoal Lda, who was very active in the session, congratulated UNDP and PDT for carrying out this training and looks forward to applying in the future.

Focused on the session.

The session allowed a unique opportunity to offer businesses registered with our Business Portal access to UNDP procurement staff insight. PDT remains committed to achieving its goal of economic recovery in post conflict zones, such as Timor-Leste, through the ‘Buy Local. Build Timor-Leste’. PDT is also committed to continue building successful partnerships with UN agencies in Timor-Leste and other countries, such as Haiti.

It’s just another example of the fantastic services that PDT provides to our businesses – so get in touch and register today to take advantage!!

Tags : Tender Distribution Point training UNDP

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