PDT and UNDP Team Up to Run Construction Industry Training Session - Building Markets

PDT and UNDP Team Up to Run Construction Industry Training Session

by Heidi Reid
August 19, 2010

Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) and the United Nations Development Program Timor-Leste (UNDP) will jointly run a training seminar today, Thursday, 19 August, for construction businesses registered with PDT that have previously shown an interest in UNDP tenders.

The aim of the training session is to provide suppliers with a better understanding of the UNDP procurement process in order to increase the level of participation by local businesses in UNDP projects.  This in turn, it is hoped, should increase these suppliers ability to compete for other international tenders from the skills that they have developed and the information they have gained.

This is not the first time that PDT and UNDP has teamed up, with PDT producing the Vendor Guide to Doing Business with UNDP in Timor-Leste which provides PDT suppliers with information on UNDP tenders. The UNDPs involvement in running these new training sessions is very positive for the Timorese business community and highlights their interest in seeing local Timorese businesses develop and prosper.

PDT has also long been involved in the support of local Timorese businesses through the “Buy Local. Build Timor-Leste” campaign and its associated activities, all of which can be found at the Building Markets site. Given our aim of economic recovery within post conflict countries, we are delighted to be working with the UNDP to help achieve their goals and ours.

It is hoped that this is the first of many training sessions on international procurement to be held for local suppliers in Timor-Leste, a process that has already started in our other country offices such, as Haiti. So, be sure to check out our new Business Portal, get in touch with one of our team to find out how to register with us and take advantage of our great services.

Tags : tender training UNDP

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