1. Procurement Database: PDT is developing a comprehensive database of all businesses in Timor-Leste which is available for institutional and individual buyers via https://www.connect.buildingmarkets.org/. As of 17 June 2008 1048 businesses are online with distinct and comprehensive business profiles. To date Lautem, Baucau, Viqueque, Manatuto, Dili have been surveyed and are online. Liquica is being processed and the survey of Oecusse has just commenced. If you find gaps and errors just email [email protected]. View the website, and find what you are looking for.
2. Matchmaking: PDT’s matchmaking services directly link buyers and suppliers, both in Dili and the Districts. Matchmaking staff work in Dili and micromatchmaking staff are in Lautem, Baucau, Ainaro, Cova Lima, Bobonaro and Oecusse. As of 17 June 2008 over 700 matchmaking requests for goods and services have been received both in Dili and the districts. Contact a PDT matchmaker via [email protected] and find what you are looking for.
3. Tender Distribution Point: PDT manages a tender distribution service which provides a central location for obtaining information on tenders by international agencies and some government orders. Information is also distributed by hardcopy, email and SMS to businesses in Dili and the Districts. As of 17 June 2008 over 125 tenders have been processed. Have a tender you want distributed? Contact PDT via [email protected].
4. Training and Outreach program: PDT assists in building the capacity of the domestic private sector to access, understand, and bid on procurement opportunities.
5. Advocacy: PDT manages the Buy Local. Build Timor-Leste advocacy campaign to support local procurement initiatives. To date Merpati, Airnorth, UNMIT, The Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Infrastructure, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have offered to assistance. If you or your organisation wants to support this initiative please contact [email protected]
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