Last week was pretty busy for myself and colleagues Ilidio Ximenes (Deputy director – PDT Dili) and Edward Rees (Senior Advisor – PDT), with Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) receiving an invitation to speak at the ‘Bringing Supply and Demand together for Kitan’ conference held in Dili on Wednesday and Darwin on Thursday. The conferences were co-hosted by the Autoridade Nacional do Petroleo (ANP) and eni and signaled a positive approach by the oil company to engage with local business.
The aim of Wednesday and Thursday was to provide introductory information on the Kitan development, with a strong emphasis on the need for local content. Businesses from both Timor-Leste and Australia were invited to view presentations from the ANP, eni and eni sub-contractors (FMC Technologies, Technip, Transocean and Bluewater Energy Services B.V.) that covered their approach to working with the local business community and reinforced their commitment to its development and growth. Addresses were also given by the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI) and the Northern Territory Government to show their support and confirm the need for development of local business.
In Dili and Darwin, PDT and Northern Territory Industry Capability Network (NT ICN) also gave presentations to introduce themselves as the potential mechanisms that could help facilitate the involvement of local businesses in the Kitan project and indicated that they would be working closely with each other in order to help develop Timor-Leste business.
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