One of the key resources of the Peace Dividend Marketplace (PDM) in Timor-Leste, a project operated by Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) that supports market development and economic growth, has been its business matchmaking services. Business matchmaking helps facilitate local spending by connecting all those interested in purchasing goods and services within Timor-Leste to local businesses operating in the appropriate sector of demand.
Simple yet effective, PDT’s matchmaking program currently employs matchmaking assistants in nine rural districts: Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima, Lautem, Manatuto, Manufahi, Oecusse and Viqueuqe. For a good example of what the matchmaking process entails, check out this story.
Matchmaking assistants assist a range of buyers from the private sector, the United Nations, NGOs, and governmental organizations, in locating and purchasing goods and services in country. This is a win-win as not only does it increase the positive economic benefits associated with international agencies and other institutions present in Timor-Leste, it also creates jobs and builds business.
Results from the matchmaking program to date have been significant – in particular in rural, district communities, where the majority of families are still living below the poverty line. This includes facilitating a whopping USD$7,971,831 into the local economy through 11,672 successfully closed matches.
Unfortunately, due to funding constraints, PDT would like to announce that it is withdrawing matchmaking representatives from Ainaro and Manufahi. Since early 2008, matchmaking staff in these districts have created or accelerated 801 transactions for a value of over USD$650,000 dollars – providing a substantial boost to these two rural economies.
The good news is – if you are looking for goods and services in either Ainaro or Manufahi, we can still help. Although PDT will no longer have matchmaking assistants on location, you can access information on local companies operating in these two districts on PDT’s Business Portal (also stay tuned for an update to the current interface!). This comprehensive portal is searchable by sector and location and contains over 2,600 profiles of local businesses across Timor-Leste. Check out businesses currently operating in Ainaro by clicking here, and businesses in Manufahi by clicking here.
Matchmaking activities have been funded by AusAID, Eni, and the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).
(Tetum Edition of the Press Release)
Komprensia Ba Imprensa: PDM-TL Nian Ekipa Ligasaun Hato’o Goodbye Ba Ainaro no Manufahi
Desde inisiu, Peace Dividend Trust ninian servisu ba ligasaun negosiu nian iha Timor-Leste sai nudar rekursu inportante ida atu liga sosa nain ho fornesedor lokal sira iha Timor-Leste. Ida ne’e liga ema hotu-hotu ne’ebe iha interese atu sosa sasan no servisu iha Timor-Leste ho negosiu lokal sira tuir seitor ne’ebe aproriadu. Wainhira informasaun ne’e sai ona nudar ligasaun ne’ebe susesu ka “taka”, ho dolar tama ona iha ekonomia lokal, ekipa ligasaun halao ona ninian servisu. Simpliz mais efetivu, sesaun orienta distritu ba programa ligasaun nian, dadaun ne’e fo servisu ba asistente ligasaun iha distritu rural hamutuk 9, mak hanesan: Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima, Lautem, Manatuto, Manufahi, Oecusse no Viqueque. Halo ona, ekipa ligasaun fasilita ona hamutuk $7.971.831, 02 dolar Amerikanu ba iha ekonomia lokal liu hosi ligasaun ne’ebe taka ona ho susesu hamutuk 11.672.
Tanba limitasaun iha fundus, nune’e PDM-TL dada hikas fali asistente ligasaun nian hosi distritu Ainaro no Manufahi. Staff ligasaun iha distritu sira ne’e kria ona ka aselera ona transasaun kompleta hamutuk 801 ho valour osan liu $650.000 dolar Amerikanu ne’ebe sulin ona ba ekonomia iha area rural rua ne’e, desde programa ne’e estabelese iha tinan 2008.
Karik ita boot sira sei buka hela sasan no servisu iha tanto Ainaro ka Manufahi, ami sei bele ajuda. Mezmu PDT sei lai iha tan ona asistente ligasaun iha ne’eba, mais ita boot sira sei bele hare’e iha PDT nian Baze de dadus Prokuramentu online nian iha Ba informasaun klean liu, halo favour kontaktu [email protected].
Atividade ba ligasaun nian ne’e, hetan fundus hosi AusAid, Fundu Kanada nian ba Inisiativa Lokal,no Eni.
Tags : ainaro manufahi micromatchmaking