Privacy Policy - Building Markets

Privacy Policy

This is our policy regarding maintaining the privacy of personal information we collect online in connection with (the “Site”). Please note that, by using the Site, you agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Site.>

(Revised November 29, 2021)


Primary Content

Building Markets (“we”, “us” or “our”) is committed to respecting the privacy rights of visitors to our site, (the “Site“).

This privacy policy (“Policy”) sets out how we process and protect the personal information of visitors to the Site.

This Policy applies when you visit the Site. Please note this Policy does not apply to any other websites that may be linked to the Site. We do not control the privacy policies or practices of other websites.

For the purposes of EU and UK data protection laws, we are the controller of your personal information (i.e. the company that is responsible for, and, which controls the processing of your personal information when visiting the Site).


Information That We Collect

As further described herein, we collect personal information that individual visitors provide when visiting the Site.

There are several features on the Site which allow you to volunteer personal information, such as your name, e-mail address, postal address, phone number and credit card information. For example, you may volunteer personal information when you:

  • make an online donation through the Site;
  • complete a form to subscribe to any of our e-mail networks. When you complete our sign up form, you will receive various e-mail updates and bulletins that we send out on a periodic basis containing selected articles and other information, with hyperlinks to our Site;
  • sign up for our media list to receive press releases or alerts to items you indicate are of interest, including events;
  • participate in a survey on the Site; or
  • participate in any other activity on the Site that requires your voluntarily submitted personal information.

Correspondence sent for inclusion in our newsletter or other publications may be so used (as submitted or as edited by us in our sole discretion), including related personal information (such as your name), unless you request confidentiality in that regard.

We make every effort to maintain the accuracy and completeness of your personal information which you provide to us and to ensure all of your personal information is up to date. You can assist us with this by promptly contacting us if there are any changes to your personal information, or if you become aware that we have inaccurate personal information relating to you. We will not be responsible for any losses arising from any inaccurate, inauthentic, deficient or incomplete personal information that you provide to us.


Purposes for Processing Personal Information

We process the personal information of visitors to the Site for the purposes set out below:

  • To contact you to send selected articles, press releases or alerts to items on the Site where you have expressed an interest, or fundraising appeals to support our work , where we have your consent to do so, which may be withdrawn at any time as detailed herein.
  • For promotional and marketing activities, including the use of photos and videos which may contain your personal information where we have obtained your consent.
  • Carrying out financial and credit checks in relation to donations made via the Site and fundraising appeals for fraud and crime prevention and detection purposes.
  • Enabling visitors to the Site to communicate with us through the Site, social networks and other interactive media.
  • Requesting visitors’ feedback and input on the Site where we have their consent to do so.
  • Managing participation in our events.
  • Providing administrative notices or communications applicable to use of the Site.
  • Analyzing Site traffic patterns, trends and statistics regarding visits to the Site, in order to improve the Site and optimize the experience of visitors to the Site.
  • Protecting against and preventing fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims and other liabilities and to manage risk exposure.
  • Complying with applicable legal requirements, court orders, legal proceedings, document requests, audit requests, and industry standards and our policies.

For visitors to the Site in the EU and the UK, please note that you have the right to object to the processing of your personal information where that processing, including profiling, is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interests or for direct marketing.

International Transfers of Personal Information

If you are located outside of the United States, personal information you provide to us will be transferred to the United States, where levels of data of protection may differ from that of your own jurisdiction.

By providing us with your personal information, you consent to its transfer and storage in the United States and its use by us as provided for herein.


Third-Party Sharing

We work with third parties, including but not limited toGoogle, , who provide services such as creating and populating online forms, website hosting, emailing, order processing and fulfilment, payment processing, credit card clearance, data analysis and analytics, where we have your consent to do so and other, often administrative services.

We may provide such third parties with your personal information as required. We limit such service providers to using personal information, including financial information, that is shared with them solely for the purpose of providing such services.


Third-Party Functionality

Our Site contains links to other websites operated by third parties. Such third parties may collect information about you, through cookies or other technologies, when you link to their websites through our Site. We recommend that you review the privacy policies of such third parties to understand how they collect and use information.



Where we have your consent to do so, we may send you fundraising emails supporting our work. You can provide your consent whenever you provide us with personal information by checking the appropriate check box(es) on the applicable online form. If you subsequently desire to withdraw your consent to receiving our fundraising appeals, you may do so by clicking on the unsubscribe check box where you receive a fundraising email or sending a request by e-mail to [email protected] or by postal mail to the address provided under “Contact Information” below.


How Long We Hold Your Personal Information

We will only retain your personal information as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with applicable legal, regulatory or internal policy requirements, or until you request the removal/deletion of your personal information.


Your Rights in Relation to the Personal Information We Collect

You may update, correct or object to the processing of your personal information or request the deletion of, or obtain a copy of your personal information collected by us in connection with the Site by contacting us at the e-mail address provided below. You may restrict or stop us from using any of the personal information which we hold about you, including by withdrawing any consent you have previously given to the processing of such personal information. Where you are based in the EU or the UK, such rights are subject to certain limitations and/or restrictions.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint about the way we manage your personal information with the relevant data protection authority.

Recipients of our electronic newsletters can “unsubscribe” by following the instructions set forth in each newsletter. If you request that we delete information from our databases, we will seek to comply with your request within a month or less, although we reserve the right to extend this period for complex requests.

Please note that we may need to retain certain information for record keeping purposes.

In any of the situations listed, we may request that you prove your identity by providing us with a copy of a valid means of identification in order for us to comply with our security obligations and to prevent unauthorized disclosure of your personal information.

We reserve the right to charge you a reasonable administrative fee for any manifestly unfounded or excessive requests concerning your personal information, and for any additional copies of personal information you request from us.


Revisions to Policy

We reserve the right to revise or update this Policy in order to maintain our compliance with applicable laws and regulations or following an update of our internal practices.

You will not be directly notified of such a change. Therefore, please bookmark this page and review it periodically to assure familiarity with the most current version of the Policy by checking the “Last Revised” date at the beginning of this Policy.



In the unlikely event that we sell or transfer substantially all of our assets, or merge into another organization, we reserve the right to transfer any and all information that we collect from Site visitors.

Compliance with Laws

We reserve the right to disclose any information including personal information in our possession, or that of the third parties with whom we contract to perform services on our behalf, in compliance with any law, regulation, decree, judgment, court order, subpoena or any other governmental order (“Order”) without any obligation to contest such Order.

The General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) is a European Union regulation concerning the use and processing of personal information of individuals located in the European Union. GDPR is effective as of May 25, 2018. We are committed to processing your information in compliance with the GDPR, as applicable.

We will use reasonable efforts to securely process all personal information in line with the rights specified under the GDPR, in particular those related to the following requests:

  • access to your personal information;
  • correction of the personal information that we hold;
  • deletion of your personal information;
  • a restriction of processing of your personal information;
  • transfer of your personal information to another party; or
  • objection to processing of your personal information based on Building Markets’ legitimate interest (or those of a third party) to use it and there is something about your particular situation that causes you to object to such processing.

We will hold your information and use it as described in this Policy. We consider that the Building Markets has a legitimate interest in collecting and processing your information. Building Markets works to alleviate poverty by helping to create jobs in fragile and frontier markets. This provides our lawful basis to use your personal information, within the limitations set forth herein.

This website is published in the United States and is subject to laws of the United States. Specifically, the laws of the State of New York shall govern this Policy regardless of your location. You hereby expressly consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal and state courts located in New York, New York, for all matters or disputes arising out of or relating to this Policy or your access or use of the website.

Building Markets shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages resulting from use of information collected from visitors to this website. We note that you are under no obligation to disclose any personal information to Building Markets if you do not want to.



We are committed to safeguarding and protecting personal information and will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to protect any personal information provided to us from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to personal information transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

Whenever you give us sensitive or confidential personal information (for example, credit card numbers for donations), we will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information by establishing a secure connection with your Web browser. Building Markets employs a security technology known as a secure-socket-layer (“SSL”) to protect the transmission of payment information to the Site. Unless otherwise specified herein or on the Site where you make a donation, credit card numbers are used only to fulfil your request and are not retained for marketing purposes.


Contact Information

If you have any comments or questions about this Policy or the Site or if you wish to exercise your rights as set out in this Policy, or would like to raise a complaint, please send your comments or questions by email to [email protected] or by postal mail to:

Building Markets
32 Broadway, Suite 1714
New York, NY 10004