Remember this site?
It was the Peace Dividend Marketplace project’s jobs blog. It used to get about 10,000 visits a month, now that is alot in little old Timor-Leste. When we pulled it for lack of resources in June 2010 we got more than a few pleas for it to be put back up again. Well we have listened and we have launched it as a new feature, called the Jobs Directory, just a few days ago as part of the revamped Timor-Leste Business Portal.
If you are looking for a job check it out. If you want to advertise a job send the details to us via jobstimor[at]
The old jobs blog did about 1,400 ads in 2 years. From dozens and I mean dozens of organisations. It also posts other types of opportunities such as scholarship. A bit crazy but here is the list.
Tags : jobs Jobs Directory