Peace Dividend Trust‘s Micro Matchmaking Assistants in the district of Viqueque Gilberto Amaral, Antonio do Rosario and Vasco Maria Perreira have worked together over the past four months to secure a large transaction of field rice for Mr. Mario da Costa, a Seed Production Officer from the Seeds of Life program. The PDT Viqueque team utilized their extensive network of local suppliers to find enough rice to fill Mr. da Costa’s order of 64,500kg resulting in a transaction worth $32,250 awarded to Viqueque farmers.
In addition to facilitating district based transactions, PDT’s Micro Matchmaking team has undergone a bit of restructuring as it has absorbed control of the Dili based Matchmaking program. All services offered by Matchmaking and Micro Matchmaking will continue to run normally, as they are both now under the leadership of the previous Micro Matchmaking Associates Ilidio Ximenes and Brigida Soares.
PDT‘s Matchmaking and Micro Matchmaking activities are funded by AusAID and Eni.
Tags : MM viqueque