The district matchmakers, who are they? These men and women have been the movers and shakers of PDT in the districts, tracking down local suppliers to meet national and international requests. And if you’ve traveled around the districts, you know that tracking down even the simple things (from personal experiences – playing cards and a bottle of wine) can be quite a challenge.
The two matchmakers featured below are Domingas dos Santos and Domingos Amaral. Each have played an integral part in the PDM-TL history, running matchmaking activities in Bobonaro and Cova Lima. Mrs. dos Santos was one of the driving forces behind last year’s cross border meeting in Bobonaro, and has put in tremendous efforts in supporting the local agricultural sector. Mr. Amaral’s most notable work is possibly his collaboration with Raflima, assisting the cattle exporter to locate enough cattle suppliers to generate some of the largest recent cross border cattle transactions between Timor-Leste and Indonesia.
Hear what they have to say, as their expertise and experience in sourcing local products is valuable as this country’s economy slowly but surely begins to strengthen.
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