Vice Director of Micro Matchmaking and Public Relations Ilidio Ximenes da Costa interviewed by the UN Piblic Information Office - Building Markets

Vice Director of Micro Matchmaking and Public Relations Ilidio Ximenes da Costa interviewed by the UN Piblic Information Office

by Building Markets
August 10, 2010

On Monday August 9, 2010 PDT’s Vice Director of Micro Matchmaking and Public Relations Ilidio Ximenes da Costa was interviewed by Mr. Rohit Kohlir and Amaral Sarmento from the UN/UNMIT Public Information Office in Dili. UNMIT was interested in Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) and the Peace Dividend Marketplace project in Timor-Leste (PDM-TL). More specifically the interview was about;

1. The extent of how PDT programs is helping small businesses, agriculture- and other entrepreneurs.
2. If PDT provides training and in that case what training is provided to small businesses by the PDT team?
3. PDT’s observation on the quality and quantity of agricultural produce and handicrafts as well as other products produced locally in Timor-Leste?

Ilidio, who is also Deputy Director of PDM-TL explained the general purpose and mission of PDT and the PDM-TL project as well as the outline of all activities; the PDM-TL Business Portal,  Tender Distribution Service, Matchmaking Service and Market Information and Advocacy. As a Vice Director  of Micro Matchmaking Ilidio knows all about how PDM-TL staff in the various districts in Timor-Leste  connects buyers and suppliers according to specific demands. To reinforce this explanation he gave some examples of demand from buyers of NTT cows, market sellers for the Tour de Timor event which organized by Presidents Office and Dili International Expo lead by MTCI and others.

Depending on the level on-the-job PDT provides training, motivation, innovation to small to medium entreprises. When listening to the interview you will hear some successful examples from the districts of Viqueque, Covalima, Bobonaro and Manatutu.

As part of the PDM-TL team Ilidio communicated the the quality and quantity of production indeed is still small, but when there is a market with demand,  suppliers and producers improve quality and increase quantity of therir produces goods encouraging the international community to continue to Buy Local and Build Timor-Leste.

The interview is published through the Programa Ba Paz organized by UNMIT in cooperation with the local TV station TVTL and will be aired on August 20, 2010

For a detailed description of PDM-TL services please click here.

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