“Building Markets we are, I think, kind of a weird organization. We reduce poverty. We care about people that are hungry so we take care of that. We care about creating jobs. We care if people are successful in their lives. But we do that through business.”
Kula Thompson-Williams, Training Manager at Building Markets, couldn’t have said it any better. Building Markets is not the sexiest organization. In fact, to the average person, our daily work can sound downright boring: supply chains, procurement, vendor lists. But at the end of the day, connecting local businesses to global supply chains results in more jobs in a country where only 15% of Liberians are formally employed.
To better understand what we are talking about, check out the video below. It tells the Building Markets story in Liberia through that of local carpenter Daniel H. Scott, III. He tells of what it was like to start-up his father’s business after the war, how Building Markets helped his company enter the supply chains of major international groups, such as Save the Children, and the impact his business has had on himself and his employees.
Tags : Daniel H. Scott III Save the Children Scott's Industrial Construction