Available Now - Business Community in Timor-Leste Part Two: Employment Landscape - Building Markets

Available Now – Business Community in Timor-Leste Part Two: Employment Landscape

by Building Markets
May 31, 2010

For Immediate Release

Dili, Timor-Leste, 31 May 2010

Business Community Overview Series Homepage

This paper represents part two of a report written by Peace Dividend Trust on the Timor-Leste’s private sector. The first paper, written in October 2009, provided a general overview of the local business community, while this paper focuses on the Timor-Leste employment landscape in the private sector. Findings in this report are intended to improve knowledge and awareness of the domestic marketplace.

Data presented in this report was derived from a database of businesses developed by PDT and its Peace Dividend Marketplace Timor-Leste (PDM-TL) project. The database is funded by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Government of Norway and developed in partnership with the Timor-Leste Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI).

Data for this report was collected between 1 November 2007 and 23 November 2009. During this period, a total of 2,459 businesses employing 24,892 workers were surveyed by PDT’s verification team. An individual profile of each business can be found on the PDM-TL Business Portal at BuildingMarkets.org.

To download a copy of the report, click here. Or visit the PDT’s webpage to access the report.

Some interesting facts that the report covers:

1. The employment landscape across all 13 districts of Timor-Leste;

2. The gender breakdown of jobs across all districts, sectors and nationalities;

3. A look at national versus international jobs;

4. A closer glance at the job environment in the capital, Dili.

Number of Jobs by District
National versus International Jobs by Gender

If you are a business owner or manager in Timor-Leste and you find that your business is not listed, along with the other 2,700 businesses, currently on the PDM-TL Online Procurement Database located at BuildingMarkets.org please contact PDT via timor-leste[at]pdtglobal.org to get a unique online business profile and increase your visibility and access to buyers both inside and outside Timor-Leste.

Tags : PDT Report

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