Malaysia Hakarak Investe Iha Timor-Leste - Building Markets

Malaysia Hakarak Investe Iha Timor-Leste

by Ilidio Ximenes Da Costa
December 15, 2010

Delegasaun empresariu Malaysia hamuik 65 ne’ebe chefia husi Chief of Ministry Malaysia hasoru malu ho empresariu nasional Timor-Leste iha salao sorumutu fatin Ministeriu Negosiu e Estrangeiru. Sorumutu ne’e, loke no fasilita husi Vice Primeiru Ministru, senhor Jose Luis Guterres ho Secretariu Estadu Rekursus Naturais, Senhor Alfredo Pires. Empresa Timor Oan ne’ebe atende sorumutu ne’e mak hamutuk ema nain 35 chefia husi Presidente Camara do Comecio Timor-Leste, Senhor Julio Alfaro, Senhor Abel Ximenes no mos presidente camara do comercio nivel distritais.

Vice Primieru Ministru Jose Luis Guterres

Delegasaun ne’ebe mai husi Empresario Malaysia ne’e hamutuk ema nain 65 ne’ebe kompostu husi area oi-oin hanesan; agrikultura, turismu, saude, infrastruktura, telekomunikasaun, mina no gas, peskas, veternaria, universidade, hotelaria, irigasaun, formasaun profesionais, bankaria, agro bisnis, no seluk tan. Iha sorumutu ne’e, maluk sira husi Malaysia hato’o perguntas maka barak liu refere ba; oinsa prosesu ba rejistrasaun bisnis?, Oinsa asesu hetan informasaun liu husi intenet?, Oinsa hetan lisensa rai atu halo inevstimentu? Kompania se deit mak hetan na kontraktu atu halo esplorasaun ba mina no gas? Iha tan pergunta sira sira seluk maibe barak liu mak foku ba perguntas ne’ebe hato’o tiha ona ia leten ne’e. Pergunta sira hetan responta husi Vice Primeiru Ministru no mos sekretariu estdu rekursus naturais.

Delegasaun Emprasariu sira husi Malaysia

Iha sorumutu ne’e, Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun konvida Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) hodi tuir sorumutu ne’e. Iha sorumutu ne’e, PDT fahe informasaun liu husi brochure, post cards ba empresa sira husi rai Malasya. Serwisu nain husi PDT ne’ebe tuir sorumutu ne’e mak hanesan; Claire Parois, Country Director, Ilidio Ximenes da Costa, Vice Direktur no responsavel ba relasaun publika, no mos Mariazinha dos Santos, program associate. Senhor Jose Antonio Amorin Dias, National Director for Protocol, Legal and Consular Affairs and former ambassador to the Kongdom of Belgium and European Union kontente ho presensa husi PDT nia ne’ebe fahe mos informasaun ba empresa sira mai husi rai liur. Iha oin mai husu atu PDT bele koopera diak liu tan ho CCI-TL no mos ministeriu ne’ebe relevante atu, tenik Amorin.

Tags : Chamber of Commerce Investment Malaysia

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