Peace Dividend Marketplace – Haiti was the lead sponsor of an all-day Food Expo on October 2 at the Parc Canne à Sucre in Port-au-Prince. The first such event of its kind in Haiti, the Food Expo attracted considerable media coverage. More than 30 wholesale and retail food companies exhibited their wares to the general public and to specially-invited representatives from potential buyers such as international organizations, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, and caterers.
The Food Expo was the final event of the week-long Food & Spirits Festival, whose goal was to encourage organizations and companies that purchase foods and beverages in Haiti to “buy local.” During a presentation on event day, PDT Country Director Salim Loxley (see photo below) spoke prior to the Minister of Commerce.
The Food Expo was well covered in the media, including a feature article in the country’s leading newspaper, Le Nouvelliste, and several radio and television interviews. Other PDM-Haiti outreach highlights included: