“Procurement Experts Breakfast” brings together procurement & logistics officers from INGOs to share knowledge, discuss experience in the sector
A great deal of our work is actually about organizing information. In that sense, we are a bit like a Google for the aid world – verifying and publicizing suppliers, organizing, centralizing and distributing tender contracts. We make searching for local suppliers more organized and efficient.
Unlike Google, we cannot rely on algorithms but rather on the diligence of our business verification, tenders and matchmaking officers. Our staff personally contact and meet with suppliers and INGOs to facilitate partnerships by matching needs & abilities across a host of relevant sectors. Related to such work, we feel it’s important to host events relevant to our mission and strategy. One event we shall be happy to continue hosting is our “Procurement Experts Breakfast” – a unique opportunity for logistics and procurement managers to gather informally to discuss issues relevant to local procurement in Myanmar.
The first event was a success, with over a dozen procurement professionals in attendance. U Aung Kyaw Moe led the discussion with a presentation about using “framework agreements” in Myanmar. A discussion followed his short presentation wherein participants shared their own insights and experiences and discussed the pros and cons of using framework agreements in Myanmar. One benefit of framework agreements is that they can reduce opportunity costs by providing consistency and efficiency. One downside is that they can (but not always) increase accounting costs because one tends to pay more for increased consistency and efficiency. Such is life. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
The breakfast was finished off with a short talk by U Aung, a specialist in vehicle importation, who discussed the vehicle market in Myanmar, regulations and available tax exemptions for NGOs.
Tags : best practices INGOs local procurement