Announcing over 2000 Businesses Online. - Building Markets

Announcing over 2000 Businesses Online.

by Building Markets
March 25, 2009

On 23 March 2009, Peace Dividend Trust, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI) surpassed the 2000 benchmark for businesses on the Timor-Leste Online Procurement Database (located at There are now 2013 unique business profiles online and the job of verifying further new businesses in Dili and the districts continues.

The Timor-Leste Procurement Database has had 43,435 hits in just 10 months. These hits have been generated by 8,272 separate visits. The website is designed to connect institutional and individual buyers (both inside and outside Timor-Leste) with domestic suppliers.

To date 50.05% of visits have come from users inside Timor-Leste, 13.37% from Australia, 7.80% from Singapore, and 6.48% from Indonesia. (see graphic above)

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